Twin Powers begins with Stephanie Peters being abducted from the street in Cuba. A furious dictator enlists the aid of a mercenary, the notorious Marcela, to track down those responsible – and save face for Cuba. Marcela recruits Stephanie’s father, doctor and polyglot Raymond Peters, to help in the search. With the aid of a special power shared between Stephanie and her twin sister, Sophia, Marcela and Raymond set out on a frantic, globe-trotting pursuit of a revenge-fueled man known simply as Mohamed. As their hunt continues, it becomes clear that the kidnapping was only the beginning. Together, they uncover a heinous conspiracy with high-ranking collaborators spanning the globe. Everyone has something to hide: murder, child slavery, treason… The perpetrators will stop at nothing to protect their interests. Their one mistake: they chose the wrong girl this time.
Twin Powers is an action-packed adventure that begged me to turn the pages. A carefully woven tapestry of deceit and international intrigue, Pereda seamlessly meshed a tale of global importance with the more relatable story of what a father will do to save his child. The characters are beautifully drawn, each with their own motives and secrets. The descriptions of the exotic locations and cultures are so lush and vivid that I could picture being there. Love triangles, which are full stories unto themselves, are mixed into the action, adding to a plot already exploding with tension – and giving further motivation to the characters. Rarely before has a book engaged me as quickly and completely as Twin Powers; it grabbed me from the first page and didn’t let me go until the last. A definite must-read!
Reviewed by Donnie Burgess for Readers’ Favorite