Book Review: Bad Publicity by Brian C. Baer

Book Review: Bad Publicity by Brian C. Baer ★★★★☆

Completely ignoring what my mother, every schoolteacher I’ve ever had, and the old idiom say, I chose to read this book purely based on its cover. Well, that might not be completely true, but the cover didn’t dissuade me, at the very least. Continue reading Book Review: Bad Publicity by Brian C. Baer

Book Review: Big Data is Watching You! by Bruce Hartman

Big Data is Watching You! by Bruce Hartman is another wonderful find on Reader’s Favorite. This one also has the dubious distinction of being the first book I have reviewed before it was released. What that means is that my ★★★★☆ rating may not apply to the finished work. Continue reading Book Review: Big Data is Watching You! by Bruce Hartman

Good Intentions is now available for preorder

Good Intentions is now available for preorder on Amazon. Part One of Brian’s Secret, Good Intentions tells the story of Brian’s relationship with a young woman named Cassie. Unfortunately for me, the cover synopsis is still in production and my simple description does it very little justice. Why not take a shot and order it anyway?

I have received several pre-sale reviews of the book (two five stars and one four star) which were very flattering, but contained little substance. Continue reading Good Intentions is now available for preorder

Book Review: Black Plastic by Ryan Kirtz

Black Plastic by Ryan Kirtz was an … interesting book. When I began to read it, I thought it was certainly going to be a single star (and thus not reviewed publicly). However, as I read, I found it funny enough to keep turning the pages. Kirtz dances the line of comic genius and idiot very well. Just when I would think I had figured out which he was, the events would make me question my decision. I mulled over how to rate it for a couple of days before deciding to rate it ★★★★☆ but with the caveat that it only earned those four stars for a very narrow audience. Did you like Airplane!? If so, this book might be for you. Continue reading Book Review: Black Plastic by Ryan Kirtz

Book Review: Karma for Hire by Hennessee Andrews

Karma for Hire by Hennessee Andrews was another great find on Reader’s Favorite. This one is listed in humor, but also tells a love story (two actually) while the fate of humankind hangs in the balance.

What I didn’t know before I read it is that Hennessee Andrews is a rather prolific writer of erotica. I began to suspect that was the case during the first ‘love scene’ in the story. While the love scenes in this one don’t go so far as to be erotica, her vivid descriptions of actions that most authors would skim over made it fairly clear. Continue reading Book Review: Karma for Hire by Hennessee Andrews

Book Review: Magic Times by Harvey Click

Magic Times was a wonderful find on Reader’s Favorite. It doesn’t fit neatly into any genre, but it has elements of humor and fantasy with just a dash of the occult. The following is my official review from Reader’s Favorite:

“Magic Times is the story of a young man named Jason chasing his chubby girlfriend, Holly, from a small town to the big city. Continue reading Book Review: Magic Times by Harvey Click

The Telephone

Against my better judgement, I’ve published The Telephone on Smashwords. I’m not publishing it on Amazon because they don’t allow for free distribution, and this isn’t the type of thing I would be comfortable charging anyone for. It’s a simple story that’s only about 3,300 words. I wrote the story partially for my own amusement, but really it was more about working with my image editing software to see if I could create a compelling cover. Continue reading The Telephone

In the Shadow of Angels is now available on audible

The review process is finally complete and the audio version of In the Shadow of Angels is now available on, and It should be available on iTunes within a day or two.

Don’t have an audible account? If you register for a new account, you can get your copy for free. Details of the offer are available on the website.

I also have a number of free review copies to give away. I’ll be looking for individuals who have submitted reviews for other audible titles. Would you like a free copy in exchange for a review? contact me. Please include a link to your current reviews on to be considered. I have a limited number of copies, so act fast!
